Who is the real God?How can i find Allah?
Who is the real God? | 12 reasons to recognize the real god to worship him alone in peaceful
Allah sent all his messengers to decide a common rule among them all, namely.
To introduce the real God and worship him alone.
While at the same time introducing the false gods that are worshipped without Allah in order to avoid them.
People do not worship with Allah, the real God, and the proof of this rule is the saying of Almighty:
‘And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], “Worship Allāh and avoid ṭāghūt.” (Al-Nahl,36)
For this reason, man had to recognize the true God, to worship him alone and to avoid the false gods, so he would not call them without Allah:
1-The world has a Creator and a God, no God else
This vast universe, this beautiful nature, including rivers, seas, plants, animals and mountains.
This man of good strength, amazing mind, incredible ability.
And all these living and non- Living and the integration and harmony and organization of all of them and others and everything we see in this world.
But everything we do not see and do not realize indicates that this world has a creator and an all-aware God, the real God, a powerful owner, capable, generous, wealthy, wise and just acting.
Good minds recognize the existence of a God, the real God, who creates the universe.
And it has developed and involves unity of purpose, will, care and wisdom, which makes it impossible for a sound thinking mind to believe that this life was created and developed by blind chance.
This Lord Kelvin, the English scientist, proclaims this faith to the people, ridicules of those who say this life was created by a chance.
Admires the irrefutable argument of some scholars about the effects of wisdom and order.
It is a clear proof of the existence and unity of the God, the real God.
As he says:
“It is impossible for a person to imagine the beginning of life.” and its continuation without the presence of a dominant creative force, and I believe from the bottom of my soul that some scholars, in their philosophical research on animals, have turned a great and utterly disdainful disdain for the irrefutable argument of the system of this universe. Evidences that show us through nature the effect of free will in it, and teach us that all (living) things depend on one eternal Creator.
And Einstein says:
“The essence of religious feeling. At its core. Is to know that the one that is in the process of knowing that he himself really exists, manifested in the highest verses of wisdom, the brightest lights of beauty, and that I cannot truly imagine a world He does not realize that the correct principles of the world of existence are based on wisdom that makes them understandable in the mind, science without faith walks the gait of the lame, and faith without knowledge groping touches Blind.”
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2-Differences over the perception of the real God
But the perception of the true God varies according to religions.
Indeed, among these perceptions of difference and contrast, some people flee from researching on this subject and live a life closer to atheism, even if they don’t admit it explicitly.
This escape didn’t stop them from feeling the need to deity a god, the real God.
In fact, some of them when they deny the existence of a God, the real God, he is deifying himself and taking his god as his whim.
The atheists escaped from recognizing God and believing in him to other things they gave them the same destiny and the same qualities that should only be for the real God.
Without any justification other than to escape a deviant conception of divaity they saw or experienced.
3-The qualities of the real God
If we affirm the inevitability of the existence of a God and agree that this wonderful and harmonious universe has a creator who created the destiny of this universe and creates it out of nowhere.
It is in fact the real God who deserves to be inspired and worshipped and should not be worshipped, and no one else should be worshiped.
4-The real God is a creator, not a creature
This God himself and his attributes should not be a creature; The Creator cannot be a creature, the real God.
Because if he was a creature, that would necessitate that he should be like us, he has a Creator, then he is not a god and it is not permissible to worship him, and accordingly not all creatures are fit to be gods.
5-The real God is one God
And the real God is one God
Because if this universe was ruled by more than one God, the conflict between them would have happened, and the challenge and love of superiority and control between them would turn life into a battlefield of conflict.
The result of which would spoil all forms of beauty, and order and coordination in this universe.
And we will not notice any imbalance or defect in this universe and the laws governing it.
We realize with intuition and necessity that it arises from one principle and that it is created, planned and organized by one creator, the real God.
The Qur’anic origin of this fact is his saying: “Had there been within them [i.e., the heavens and earth] gods besides Allah, they both would have been ruined. So exalted is Allah, Lord of the Throne, above what they describe.” (Al-Anbiyā,22)
If there is more than one God, it is either to be refuse, and each one will be unable to do so, and if each of them is unable to do so, it is not right for one of them to be God.
The true God is not unable, or one of them is on the other, the better one is God.
The proof of this rule is the saying of Allah: “Allah has not taken any son, nor has there ever been with Him any deity. [If there had been], then each deity would have taken what it created, and some of them would have [sought to] overcome others. Exalted is Allah above what they describe [concerning Him].” (Al-Mu’minūn,91)
There is no right god who deserves worship, submission, and subservience, except one God, the real God.
6-The real God is above from all the creature is excluded from
The real God is above the thing which the creature is excluded.
All that the creature is disdains and describes the blameworthy and faulty with, the real God deserves to be exalted and sanctified by Him.
It is not right to include that blameworthy in His attributes in any way, because the real God is the most perfect in every aspect.
7-The real God is nothing like him
The real God is nothing like him, because the creator is nothing like him.
As what comes from the descriptions that can be called the Creator and the creature, such as king, science, mercy and love, are not similar in true meaning.
Because the attributes of the Creator are different from those of the creature, the attributes of the two creatures are constantly deficient, purposes and symptoms.
8-The real God is not weak and does not need others
The real God is not weak, he does not need others, all the wise people agree that weakness is a deficiency, as well as the need for others or things as a deficiency.
Therefore, it is not right for the real God to be characterized by one of these two attributes, rather he must be free of these two attributes and at the same time characterized by their opposite of the attributes of perfection, which are: strength and dispensation of others.
Our Qur’an denied the divinity about Christ and his mother is in three words that have struck this matter, namely, the saying of Almighty: “They were eating food” (Al-Maida)75)
Whoever needs to eat food is he eats it because of his sense of hunger and the accompanying weakness and atonality, and those who eat food are like other people in need of this food, and therefore it is not right that they or one of them be God.
Because they do not realize the attributes of the real God.
9-The real God doesn’t need to has a son
The real God does not need to has a son, the real God above the lack of similarity to the creatures.
Whoever asks for a child to ask him for the extension of the male for the help and for the inheritance or so on, all attributes of deficiency There is no need for the real God.
Read about Monotheism in Islam (Tawhid)
10-The real God is capable not incapable
The real God is capable not incapable, for example, all the wise people object being incapable, and the first is that the real God should not be characterized as such.
The real God must be characterized as the corresponding perfectionist, a characteristic ability.
Thus, if Christ is unable to defend himself from the harm of his enemies, or Idols or animals that are taken as gods according to some people cannot defend themselves, for they are unable to defend others and their worshipers and lovers.
That means incapable can not be a real God.
11-The real God is justice, does not oppress
The real God of is justice that does not oppress and the wise are denied the as injustice, and therefore the real God is not oppressed because it is justice and thus every denial of a deficiency is matched by proof of the opposite of exile.
12-The real God right has absolute perfection
The real God has absolute perfection, for example, the characteristic of knowledge, which is a good characteristic and its negative opposite is ignorance.
Perfection is to be characterized by knowledge and to deny ignorance, inferiority to be ignorant and to deny you knowledge.
The real God absolute perfection in the status of knowledge, because it is characterized by absolute knowledge and is totally absent from ignorance.
But man has relative perfection in the character of knowledge, because he is characterized by knowledge for things in the same time when other things are ignorant, just relative, and so on in other qualities.
The real God is the One who is described with all the attributes of absolute perfection, and all of His names are extremely beautiful and does not resemble any of His creation in Himself or in His Attributes. And do not associate with him anyone else, neither a close angel, nor a prophet sent, nor a guardian, nor a tree, nor a stone, nor the sun, nor the moon.
Allah says: “Say, “He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge, He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent.” (Al-Ikhlās)
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