How to Perform Wudu Perfectly
Wudu (ablution) and its Steps
Wudu is an Arabic word that indicates a particular act of washing certain parts of the body, such as hands, mouth, arms, nose, feet, and face. It is essential in Islam.
As for prayer, five times a day is obligatory for all Muslims. Prayer is necessary for all Muslims. But prayer has no meaning if there is no Wudu(ablution).
Cleanliness is very important in Islam. The importance of cleanliness is repeatedly mentioned in the Qur’an and Hadith. This shows the importance of cleanliness in Islam.
This has great benefits for you. You will be healthy and active and receive God’s blessings and mercy. If you are clean, it will affect your physical and mental health.
It is obligatory to perform ablution before praying and before reading the Qur’an. Must be in a holy state before worshiping the Most Holy Allah.
Steps of Wudu:
it’s easy steps to teach your kids, how to perform Wudu.
The following steps should be taken when performing Wudu. These steps are “mustahab” unless the sentence is explained. Critical steps are mentioned below:
1. Having the Intention for Wudu:
The intention must be sincere. Nothing needs to be said verbally. You just have to make niyyat in your mind.
2. Saying Bismillah at the start:
Similar to starting any work, you must say Bismillah-hir- Rahman-Ar-Rahiim (In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful).
3. Washing your hands 3 times:
This requires washing the hands up to the wrist area. Completely wash your hands starting from the right side then move to the left side. Wash them completely between your fingers and thumb too.
4. Rinse mouth 3 times:
This means rinsing your mouth thoroughly. Take water in your right hand and rinse your mouth three times. Do not swallow water on purpose but spit it out every time.
5. Clean your Nose:
This requires blowing your nose and blowing out to clear it out. This should be done in three ways.
6. Wash your face:
This should be done three times. This area should be from the hairline to the jawbone and chin and from ear to ear. Bearded people should wash the inside and outside of their hair. For people with thick beards, wash your face while running your fingers through the hairs of the beard to remove dirt.
7. Wash your Arms:
This includes washing the hands three times from the fingernails to the elbows and going slightly past the elbows to ensure that the elbows are completely cleaned.
8. Perform Mash:
Moisten your hand with water and wipe the head starting from around the hair, then turn the hand and go back to the starting position. As for women, it should be wiped from the front of the head to the roots of the hair, from the nape of the neck. However, it is not necessary to brush the entire length of the hair.
It also includes taking a wet, clean index finger and placing it on the ear and wiping the wet, clean finger to clean the ear again. Both hands should be used simultaneously for both ears.
9. Wash your Feet :
The final ablution involves washing the feet thoroughly up to the ankles.
Some Benefits of Performing Wudu:
There are many Benefits of performing Wudu. We will discuss some of them here.
Prevent Health Issues:
If you perform Wudu regularly, It will prevent you from many health issues like diseases like the common cold, flu, or gastrointestinal infections.
Remove Harmful Germs:
Although ablution is not prescribed as a medicine, it has various benefits for human health. For example, you touch different things during the day after the day during the day. These items may contain various germs that are harmful to your health. Therefore, if you perform ablution, you must wash your hands. It will wash all the germs off your hands.
Protect from tooth and face problems:
Wudhu has been prescribed by Allah, but now its benefits have also been proven scientifically. Like ablution, you brush your mouth several times a day, which will protect you from dental problems. Likewise, washing your face several times a day will protect your face from wrinkles and fine lines.
Purification of your body:
This will give you physical purity. Because of ablution, all parts of your body are washed several times, so it is clean for you.
Mercy of Allah Almighty:
Try to stay in a state of Voodoo all the time. This has various benefits for you. With physical health, you will receive the blessings of Allah SWT. If you die in ablution, you will be a martyr.
To achieve cleanliness:
Sunnah sleep in a holy state. This is the best way to achieve purity and cleanliness. So get used to ablution every day before going to sleep.
Inner security:
It will strengthen you spiritually. This will give you inner peace.
Maintaining ablution is a sign of faith:
This is a matter of your faith. Always be in a holy state to strengthen your faith. According to the hadith: “Holiness is part of faith.”
What breaks wudu?
Among the eleven things that invalidate your ablution, there are three that are agreed upon by all scholars. These three are:
- Anything that passes through the private parts, such as urine, gas, and urine. If it is removed from it, it will become a seed or a seed, because it needs a full shower. God said: {Or come after one of you responds to the call of nature} 5: 6. The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said: “God will not accept the prayer of one of you if he performs ablution until he performs ablution.” Hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari.
- A sleep that leaves one unconscious. Safwan, son of Asal, said: ‘Our Prophet always ordered us when we travel from Janabah (except for sex) for three days and nights not to remove Khuff (skin like shoes), but. other than urine, feces and sleep. Narrated by Imam Tirmidhi.
- Mentally incompetent. Examples include mental illness, unconsciousness, drunkenness, or any condition that makes a person mentally incompetent or at risk. An example of this is the sleeper category.
Can we touch Quran without Wudu?
Most of scholars agreed that a person who wants to touch the Qur’an must cleanse himself of the visible (minor) and invisible (major) impurities by performing ablution or ablution, if necessary.
Some scholars allow touching the Qur’an without ablution.
Verse 56:79 states that only pious people (مُطَهَّرُونَ) can touch the Qur’an. According to this scholar, the only pure people are angels, and in this verse the Qur’an does not refer to the modern version (Mushaf) of the original Qur’an. Just like the essence of prayer, ablution is not obligatory to touch the Qur’an, but it is better to ablution while touching/reading the Qur’an.
Cleanliness is very important in Islam. Ablution keeps you clean and pure. It protects you from some physical ailments. It is obligatory for Muslims to read before prayer.
The Qur’an and Hadith have repeatedly emphasized the importance of purification. This is part of faith. It gives you mental, physical and spiritual health.
At Tipyaan Academy we special talk with our students about importance of wudu. We explain them about its steps and its benefits too.
Try to stay in a state of Wudu all the time. It will bring you closer to God Almighty. It is obligatory to perform ablution before worshiping Allah.
Based on the verses of the Qur’an and the hadith of the Prophet, the majority of Scholars and Scholars of Fiqh agree that ablution is a requirement for touching and reading the Qur’an. Therefore, you can
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