Virtues and Benefits of Memorizing Quran
Benefits of Memorizing Quran
The virtues and benefits of memorizing Quran motivate Muslims to hurry to this great act of worship. So that one may be among the people of the Quran who are Allah’s own people.
Allah said: {And we have certainly made the Quran easy to remember. So is there anyone who will be mindful?} [Surat Al-Qamar: 17].
Al-Qurtubi – may Allah have mercy on him – said: “That is, Allah made the Quran easy for to be memorized and would help whosoever wants to memorize it. So, is there any who seeks to memorize the Quran, so he would be helped?”
Facilitating Memorizing Quran for all People
Memorization Quran is easy for all people. People of different languages, levels of intelligence, or ability to memorize would find it easy to memorize Quran. There are actual cases of people who are of limited understanding and weak memorization but still find it easier to memorize Quran than anything else.
Easiness of Memorizing Quran is a Miracle
One of the truly miraculous sides of the Quran is its easiness of memorization. Quran has a miraculous quality of readiness to be memorized. No book has ever been easier than Quran for memorization. People of foreign languages, people of low intelligence, even elderly people still have a chance to take from the Quran as memorization.
Al-Mawardi said: “The sixteenth aspect of the Quranic miracle is its easiness for all tongues…”
Memorizing Quran by Heart
Memorizing Quran is proof and evidence for Allah’s saying: {It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it.} [Surat Al-Hijr: 9.]
Memorizing Quran by heart is one way with which Allah fulfills His divine promise to preserve the Quran. No one dares to change even one letter of a movement of a letter of the Quran. For he would find millions and millions Hafiz from all over the world to make his crime plain.
One who memorizes Quran by heart may enjoy reading it anywhere even he does not have the book or has a chance to sit.
Moreover, Prayers, especially the obligatory, need Muslim to have some verses memorized by heart. So whatever Muslim is praying like Imam, or one of the group behind the Imam, or even alone, he would need something of the Quran which is memorized to establish his prayers.
Memorizing the Quran is a Profitable Project
Trading with Allah is always profitable. Devoting effort and time to memorizing Quran is one of the great acts of worship that Allah gives so much reward for it.
Allah does not consider the result of your actions, but He – The Almighty – considers the intention, determination, and effort.
Virtues and Benefits of Memorizing Quran
Memorizing Quran has benefits and virtues, we mention some of which at the following:
1-Benefits of Memorizing Quran – Prophet Mohammed Memorizes Quran
Memorizing Quran is the custom of Muslims. It is also the example of the Prophet –PBUH- who used to memorize Quran, and recite it before Gabriel – Peace be upon him – one time every year. However, in the year in which he passed away, he reviewed it twice.
On the authority of Aisha, the mother of the believers – May Allah be pleased with her- she said: “Once Fatima came walking and her gait resembled the gait of the Prophet -PBUH. The Prophet -PBUH- said, “Welcome, O my daughter!” Then he made her sit on his right or on his left side, and then he told her a secret and she started weeping. I asked her, “Why are you weeping?” He again told her a secret and she started laughing. I said, “I never saw happiness so near to sadness as I saw today.” I asked her what the Prophet -PBUH- had told her. She said, “I would never disclose the secret of Allah’s Messenger -PBUH.” When the Prophet -PBUH- died, I asked her about it. She replied. “The Prophet -PBUH- said: ‘Every year Gabriel used to revise the Quran with me once only, but this year he has done so twice. I think this portends my death, and you will be the first of my family to follow me.’ So I started weeping. Then he said. ‘Don’t you like to be the chief of all the ladies of Paradise or the chief of the believing women? So I laughed for that.”
2-Memorizing Quran should be First Knowledge
Understanding and memorizing Quran should be the First knowledge Muslims sought. It was the habit of old righteous Muslims –May Allah be please with them- to memorize and study the Quran before all other fields of knowledge.
Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr said: “Seeking knowledge is of degrees and ranks that should not be transgressed. One who transgresses them is transgressing the path of the old righteous Muslims – May Allah has mercy on them. So, the start of knowledge should be memorizing and understanding the Book of Allah – the Mighty.”
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3-Memorizing Quran should be before any other Islamic Knowledge
The Sheikh of Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah, says: “As for memorizing Quran, it should take priority over much of what is called knowledge, and it is; either invalid or of little benefit.
Moreover, memorizing Quran also should have priority for one seeking Islamic studies and Islamic Jurisprudence. Even in that case, one should start with Memorizing Quran, for it is the basis of religious knowledge.
4-Memorizing Quran is one of the Distinctive Qualities of the Muslim Nation.
Ibn al-Jazari says: “Reliance in transmitting the Quran is on preserving hearts and chests, and this is an honorable characteristic that Allah –Almighty- gave to the Muslim nation.”
Memorizing Quran is still a hallmark for the Muslim nation and a thorn in the throat of its enemies. One of the orientalists says: “Perhaps the Quran is the most read book in the world, and it is certainly the easiest to memorize.”
Another says: “Today we find, despite the receding wave of faith, thousands of people are able to recite the Quran by heart. In Egypt alone, there are a number of Quran Hafiz, who can recite it by heart, more than those who are able to recite Bible by heart in all Europe.”
5-Memorizing Quran Saves from Hill-Fire
Memorizing Quran saves Muslims from the Fire, due to the greatness of what is in their hearts, it is the words of Allah – The Almighty.
On the authority of Uqbah bin Aamer – may Allah be pleased with him – he said: The Messenger of Allah -PBUH- said:“If the Quran was in a piece of leather into the Hell-Fire, it will not be bunted.”Al-Albani said, Hassan
6-Memorizing Quran Grants Honor
Memorizing Quran Grants honor to Muslim both in this life in the Hereafter.
“The Prophet – PBUH – said: “Verily, Allah elevates some people with this Quran and abases others.” Narrated by Muslim.
7-Memorizing Quran is Abundant Goodness
Learning and memorizing Quran is abundant goodness.
On the authority of Quba bin Amer said: “When we were in the Suffa (A kind of verandah at the mosque in Medina where certain poor people lived) Allah’s messenger came out and asked, “Which of you would like to go out every morning to Buthān or al-‘Aqīq (Two wādis not far from Medina where camels were sold) and bring two large-humped she-camels without being guilty of sin or severing ties of relationship?” We replied, “Messenger of Allah, we would all like that.” He said, “Does not one of you go out in the morning to the mosque and teach or recite two verses of Allah’s Book? That is better for him than two she-camels, and three verses are better for him than three she-camels, and four verses are better for him than four she-camels, and so on than their numbers in camels.” Narrated by Muslim
8-Benefits of Memorizing Quran – Quran Hafiz should be Respected
On the authority of Abu Musa – may Allah be pleased with him – he said: The Messenger of Allah – PBUH – said: “It is out of reverence to Allah in respecting an aged Muslim, and the one who commits the Quran to memory and does not exaggerate pronouncing its letters nor forgets it after memorizing, and to respect the just ruler”. Hassan, narrated by Abu Dawood
9-Benefits of Memorizing Quran – Being One of the People of Allah
Memorizing Quran is a reason for a Muslim to be among Allah’s own people.
On the authority of Anas bin Malik, he said: The Messenger of Allah – PBUH – said:“Allah has His own people among mankind.’ They said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, who are they?’ He said: ‘The people of the Quran, the people of Allah and those who are closest to Him.”Narrated by Al-Albani, in Sahih At-Targheeb.
10-Benefits of Memorizing Quran – Having the Crown of Nobility
Memorizing Quran let Muslim wear the Crown of Nobility on the Day of Judgment.
On the authority of Abu Hurairah – may Allah be pleased with him – that the Messenger of Allah – PBUH – said: “The one who memorized the Quran shall come on the Day of Judgment and (the reward for reciting the Quran) says: ‘O Lord! Decorate him.” So he is donned with a crown of nobility. Then it says: “O Lord! Give him more!’ So he is donned with a suit of nobility. Then it says: “O Lord! Be pleased with him.’ So He is pleased with him and says: “Recite and rise up, and be increased in reward with every Ayah.” Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi, Said Hassan Sahih.
11-Benefits of Memorizing Quran –Hafiz Quran has Priority to Lead Prayers
Hafiz Quran is the most deserving of people to lead the prayer, and one should be advanced to the first rows in prayer as per his memorization of the Quran.
On the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud – may Allah be pleased with him – he said: The Messenger of Allah -PBUH- said: “Let those of you who are sedate and prudent be near me, then those who are next to them (saying it three times), and beware of haphazardness such as is found in markets.” Narrated by Muslim
Advice for Hafiz Quran
One who memorized the Quran, or any part of it, should keep refreshing his memorization, and review it regularly not to lose what he memorized. The Prophet -PBUH- commanded keeping refreshing Quran knowledge in more than one hadith.
On the authority of Abu Musa – May Allah be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of Allah – PBUH – said: “Keep refreshing your knowledge of the Qur’ān, for I swear by Him in whose hand my soul is that it is more liable to escape than camels which are tethered.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari.
He -PBUH- also said: “When one who had committed the Quran to memory (or who is familiar with it) gets up (for the night prayer) and recites it night and day, it remains fresh in his mind, but if he does not get up (for prayer and thus does not recite it) he forgets it.” Narrated by Muslim.
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