Types of Quran recitation
A Muslim must understand the Quran. In addition, the Koran is the most-read book in human history. In addition, it provides a complete essential guide to the life of every Muslim.
Not only Muslims but even non-Muslims benefit from extensive knowledge of the Qur’an. Furthermore, the entire concept of Sharia is based on the teachings of the Holy Quran.
From the beginning, Islam stood behind the teachings and the best book to rely on, except the Holy Qur’an, which is the land of Allah Almighty.
Quran is the fourth and last holy book of Allah Almighty. The Qur’an is a guide for all humanity. It was revealed to our beloved Prophet (SAW), the last Prophet of Allah Almighty.
Quran is the holy book that Muslims turn to when there is a problem because the Quran has the solution to all issues and is a guide for all aspects of life.
Allah Almighty said through the Quran: “This is the Book (The Quran), whereof there is no doubt, guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqoon (the pious).”
The Book of Allah is certainly not a book like any other; it is the Word of Allah which is timeless, not a created being and a guide for life and death and what comes after it. It, therefore, requires a more careful reading than anyone else’s speech. Therefore, as Muslims, we should recite the Qur’an daily with a better understanding to receive Allah’s blessings in this life and the hereafter. There are 10 Quran recitation types, also known as 10 Qiraat. These types of Quran recitation help you to improve your method of reciting the Holy Quran.
10 Qiraat course
Meaning of Qiraat :
People could confuse it with ten different voices or styles, as the name suggests. But the ten Qirats have minor differences in letters, Harakat and pronunciation. To know this clearly, we must return to the earlier days and look at Islamic history. The people who lived during the Prophet SAW were illiterate and had their tribal dialects. Therefore, the language has differences in spelling and pronunciation. Different dialects have been classified as Quraish, Yaman, Hudair, and many others. All these dialects were different but had the same meaning.
Origin of Qiraat :
Prophet Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him – was the first teacher of the recitation of the Qur’an, which was revealed from Allah Almighty by the Archangel Gabriel, after which many companions memorized the entire Qur’an and taught it at the command of the Prophet Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him – and these memorizers were the source, from which the ten Qiraat were derived when Uthmaan Ibn Affan then made copies of the Holy Qur’an, he hired a reciter for each Muslim country to teach the people of that country the rules of reciting the Qur’an.
Each reciter was influenced by the tone or manner of speaking of the country he was sent to.
And over time, many people devoted themselves to studying the Qur’an and memorizing it until they became imams and role models in the recitation of the Qur’an in their countries when they perfected the recitation and were responsible for its teaching, and Qiraat was attributed to them.
Different types of Quran reading help you improve your method of reading the Holy Quran. You should know about the basics first of all, then about Qiraats.
After that, the conditions for correct Qiraat emerged and were well defined. Correct Qiraat was limited to ten Qiraat or recitations, the most famous of which is the Hafs of Asim.
As we mentioned before, each Qiraa is attributed to a confident Imam, students of this imam, so it is called narration, then it is transmitted to others through a path, and these paths are
Al-Shatibya, which is the poetry of Imam/al-Qassim al-Shatiby and also called “Hirz al-Amani Wa Wajh al-Tahani,” is one of the earliest poetry that was written on the science of Qiraat and it contains the rules of the seven basic Qiraat and became the way for the recitation of the Holy Qur’an.
Al-Dorra or al-Dorra al-Modia’a: it is poetry by Imam al-Jazri and contains only the rules of three supplementary Qiraat, so al-Satibya and al-Dorra together contain all ten Qiraat
Al-Tybah, or “Tybat al-Nashr,”; is also poetry by Imam / Muhammad Ibn al-Jezri and contains everything in al-Shatibya and al-Dorra. So it has the ten Qirra rules.
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How 10 Qiraat Evolve :
When the Quran was revealed to Hazrat Muhammad SAW, Angel Gebril (AS) came and recited the Quran to him, and the Prophet recited to him in his dialect. When asked, the angel Gebril (AS) increased the dialect until he completed seven of them. All these dialects had the same meaning but different pronunciations.
There’s a Hadith reported by Ibn Abbas that Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
“Jibreel recited the Quran to me in one Harf(letter), and I recited it back to him, but I requested him to increase (the number of Harf), and he continued to increase it for me until we stopped at seven Ahruf(letters).” Ibn Shihab az-Zuhree (d. 124 A.H.), one of the narrators of the hadeeth, said, “It has reached me that these seven Ahruf are essentially one (in meaning), they do not differ about what is permitted or forbidden.”
Therefore, the Quran was recited in seven dialects as permitted by Allah in the Arabian Peninsula.
You can learn Qirat online with our skilled teachers, who will train you through our online sessions and teach you everything about the ten Qirats. If you still have a question about How many Quran recitation styles are, here are names with their categories.
Types of Qiraat:
In Qiraat, there are two categories:
1) Mutawatir: Transmission whose independent chains of authority are sufficiently broad to exclude any possibility of error and on which there is a consensus of ulema at that time.
2) Mashhur: their transmission is slightly narrower, but they are still wide enough to make the error very unlikely.
There are 7 Mutawatir Qiraat:
.Nafi ‘(169/785)
Ibn Kathir (deceased in 120/737)
Abu ‘Amr ibn al-‘Ala’ (154/762)
Ibn’ Amir (died in 154/762)
Asim (127/744)
Hamza (died 156/772)
Al-Kisa’i (died 189/904)
There are 3 Mashhur:
Abu Ja’far (died 130/747)
Ya’qub (died 205/820)
Khalaf (died 22/8/43)
Names of 10 Qiraats :
10 Qiraats help you to read Quran in different styles. There are many styles of Quran recitation which help you to read the Quran with 100% accuracy. Below is the list of ten Qira’at with the name of their famous Qaaris :
- Naafi Al Madani (Madina) –
- Ibn Katheer Al-Makki – The two Qaris who preserved this recitation are Al-Buzzi and Qumbul.
- Abu Amr Al-Basri (Basra) – The two Qaris who preserved this reading manner of the Quran are Ad-Doori and As-Soosi.
- Ibn Aamir Ash-Shami (Syria) – The two Qaris who preserved this recitation method is Hishaam and Ibn Zakwan.
- Asim Al-kufi (Kofah) – The two Qaris who preserved this Quran’s recitation are Shuba and Hafs. Due to this reason, it is called Hafs an Asim.
- Hamzah Al-Kufi (Kofah) – The two Qaris to preserve the Holy Quran’s recitation are Khalaf and Khallad.
- Al-Kisaa’i – The two Qaris to preserve this recitation method are Al-Layth and Ad-Doori.
- Abu Ja’far Al-Madanee (Madina) – The two Qaris who preserved this recitation method are Isa and Sulayman.
- Yaqub Ibn Al-Basri (Basra) – The two famous Qaris to preserve this recitation method are Ruways and Rooh.
- Khalaf – The two Qaris, this recitation method, Ishaq and Idris.
In the modern world, about 95% of the Muslim population recites the Holy Quran in Hafs an Asim, 3% in Warsh a Naafi, 7% in Qaloon an-Naafi, 3% in Ad-Doori an Abu Amr, and about 1% in Ibn Aamir.
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