Sunnah’s and Recommendations for Fasting
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Having suhoor (Predawn meal)
Prophet Mohammed -Pbuh- said: “Take a meal a little before dawn, for there is a blessing in taking a meal at that time.” (Agreed upon).
Suhoor is achieved with much and little food, even if it is a dose of water.
Prophet Mohammed -Pbuh- said: “Having Suhoor is a blessing, so do not miss it, even it was a dose of water. For Allah has Mercy and his angles Ask Allah for Mercy for those who are having Suhoor.”
Delaying suhoor
It is recommended to delay the suhoor and have it just before Fajr.
On the authority of Zaid bin Thabit, may Allah be pleased with him, That Prophet Mohammed -Pbuh- said: “We took Suhoor (predawn meal) with the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and then we stood up for (Fajr) Salat (prayer). It was asked: “How long was the gap between the two?” He replied: “The time required for the recitation of fifty Ayat.“(Agreed upon).
Hastening to break the fast
It is recommended for the fasting person to hasten the breaking of his fasting when he is confident that the sun has set.
Prophet Mohammed is reported to have said: “The people will continue to prosper as long as they hasten the breaking of the fast” (Agreed Upon)
Eat dates first
It is recommended to break your fasting upon wet dates. If not, then come dry dates, if not, one can take a dose of water.Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to break his Saum (fasting) before performing Maghrib prayer with three fresh date-fruits; if there were no fresh date- fruits, he will eat three dry dates; and if there were no dry date- fruits; he would take three draughts of water.“
If one has nothing available to break his fasting with, he may have an intention that his fasting has already ended.
Making Du’aa when breaking fasting
Ibn ‘Umar told that the Prophet said when he broke his fast, “Thirst has gone, the arteries are moist, and the reward is sure, if Allah wills.”
Leaving idle talk:
Abu Hurairah narrates that Allah’s Messenger said: “When anyone of you is fasting, let him not utter evil or ignorant speech. If anyone speaks to him in an ignorant manner, let him say: ‘I am fasting.” (Agreed upon). Abu Hurairah narrated as well that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “If one does not eschew lies and false conduct, Allah has no need that he should abstain from his food and his drink.“
Benefits of Suhoor
- Strengthening Muslim to endure fasting, especially on long and hot days.
- Suhoor is a special mark that distinguishes Muslim fasting from the fasting of the People of the book. In Sahih Muslim: On the authority of Amr Ibn Al-Aast, Prophet Mohammed -Pbuh- said: “The difference between our fasting and that of the People of the Book is eating shortly before dawn.”
- The time of Suhoor is a blessed time in which Muslims may remember Allah or ask Him. Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger –Pbuh- as saying, “Our Lord who is blessed and exalted descends every night to the lowest heaven when two-thirds of the night has passed and says, “Who supplicates me so that I may answer him? Who asks of me so that I may give to him? Who asks my forgiveness so that I may forgive him?” (Agreed Upon)
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Disliked Acts of Fasting
Most disliked acts of fasting are things that, if Muslims continue with them, may lead to the invalidation of their fasting. That include:
Deep rinsing or sniffing when performing WUDU(ablution):
It is reported that the Prophet said: “sniff water deep into the nose except when you are observing fast.” (Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi).
If water enters one’s stomach intentionally, his fast is broken, unanimously, and he must make it up.
However, if water reaches the stomach unintentionally, scholars are of two opinions, the most reliable of which is that fasting is still valid.
Kissing during fasting:
Kissing is disliked for the fasting person. Because it may lead to arousing desire that leads to invalidating fast by sperm or sexual intercourse. There is no difference between an old man and a young man.
Persistently looking to the wife:
If that arouses the desire, it may lead to the invalidation of his fast.
Thinking about sexual intercourse.
That may lead one to ejaculate or have intercourse, which breaks his fast and causes him to commit sin
Chewing Pure Gum
Chewing pure gum with no taste or color is disliked while fasting. However, gum that has taste or color breaks the fast.
Tasting food during fasting:
It is disliked for the fasting person to taste food if it is unnecessary. However, it is not disliked if the food needs to be tasted.
Continuous Fasting:
Fasting two days or more without eating or drinking anything at night is disliked, however, does not invalidate the fast. Instead it may cause harm to the body.
What Breaks Fasting (sawm)?
Sexual Intercourse during sawm:
If a fasting person has intercourse during Ramadan, his fast is broken, and he must repent, seek forgiveness, and make up that day. Besides making the day up, he should free a slave, if he cannot, he should fast for two consecutive months. If he cannot fast, he should feed sixty of the poor.
One cannot shift from fasting to feeding unless he cannot fast for a valid reason, such as if he has a disease or fears that illness will occur. Potential hardship with fasting is not a valid reason.
Fasting must be consecutive, one cannot break the two months except for a legitimate excuse, such as the days of the two Eids. Days of Tashreeq, days of menstruation, and illness and travel, without intending to break the fast, are all valid excuses to break the two months.
If one breaks his fast without an excuse, even for one day, he must resume fasting the two months again from the start.
Abu Hurairah –may Allah be please with him- said that while they were sitting with the Prophet a man came to him and said, “Messenger of Allah, I am undone.” He asked him what had happened to him and he replied that he had had intercourse with his wife while he was fasting. Allah’s messenger then asked him whether he could get a slave to free, but he replied that he could not. He asked if he could fast two consecutive months, but he replied that he could not. He asked if he could provide food for sixty poor people, and when he replied that he could not, he told him to sit down. The Prophet then waited for a time, and meanwhile an ‘araq containing dates was brought to him, an ‘araq being a huge basket. He asked where the man who had questioned him was, and when he replied, “[Here] I am,” he said, “Take this and give it as sadaqa.” The man replied, “Am I to give it to one who is poorer than I am, messenger of Allah? I swear by Allah that there is no poorer family than mine between the two lava plains of Medina,” i.e. the two harrases. The Prophet laughed so that his eye teeth became visible and said, “Give it to your family to eat.”
Ejaculation by choice during sawm:
If a fasting person deliberately ejaculates by kissing, touching, or masturbating or otherwise, the fast is broken. He has to make up for it only –without penance. However, kissing or touching the wife without ejaculation does not break the fast.
Ejaculating with a wet dream or thinking without kissing, touching, or masturbating does not break the fast.
Eating and drinking intentionally during sawm
It delivers food or drinks into the stomach through the mouth or nose.
Indirect nutrition during sawm
Such as injecting blood and feeding injections that are used instead of eating and drinking.
Other injections that are not nourishing do not break the fast.
Deliberate vomiting during sawm
Extracting food or drink from the stomach through the mouth breaks the fast. Intentionally vomiting, whether by squeezing the stomach, or by smelling an odd smell, or by looking at ugly thing breaks fast.
Sudden attack of vomiting does not beak fasting. Allah’s messenger is reported as saying, “If one has a sudden attack of vomiting while he is fasting no atonement is required of him, but if he vomits intentionally, he must make atonement.”
Menstrual and postpartum bleeding during sawm:
Whenever a woman sees menstrual and postpartum blood, her fast is invalidated. Whether she sees it at the beginning of the day or at the end of it. Mu’adha al-‘Adawiya said that when she asked ‘A’isha why one who has been menstruating must make up for her fast but not for her prayer, she replied, “That happened to us, and we were ordered to make up for the fast, but were not ordered to make up for the prayer.”
Fasting in Islam rules
Rules Related to Fasting in Ramadan
Using eye, ear and nose drops at the day in Ramadan
Using Eye and Ear Drops do not break fasting according to the most reliable view of two scholarly opinions. However, if he finds the taste of the drop in his throat, then it is better to make up for that day. Making up is not obligatory since the eyes and ears are not usual passage for food and drink.
As for the nose drop, it is not permissible unless it is necessary, for nose is an outlet for the throat. So whoever use nose drop and found a taste in the throat, should make up for the day.
Using a manual asthma inhaler
It is permissible to use asthma inhaler in the day of Ramadan. For it does not reach the stomach, rather it is in the throat and lung. Moreover, it is not food, drink, or nutrition material.
Using analgesic injection at the day of Ramadan
Analgesic Injection does not break the fast, for it is not nutritious.
Using sugar injection at the day of Ramadan
As for the sugar injection, it is more likely that it does not break the fast. However, a diabetic shouldn’t use it during Ramadan unless needed.
Using an enema
Some scholars are of the view that it breaks the fast. That is based on the legal principle: “Everything that reaches the stomach breaks the fast.”
Using suppositories at the day of Ramadan
No wrong with using suppositories at the day of Ramadan, for it is not food, drink, or nutritious martial. Then, suppositories dissolve and do not seep inside.
Using anesthesia at the day of Ramadan
Nothing wrong with anesthesia if it goes with the blood at the day in Ramadan.
In the case of tooth extraction, fasting person should not swallow the blood that comes out of the molar, but rather spit it out.
Using Toothbrush and Toothpaste
It is permissible for the fasting person to use a toothbrush and toothpaste at the day of Ramadan. It does not break the fast as long as nothing of it reaches the stomach. But if something of it reaches the stomach deliberately, it invalidates the fast and one should make the day up.
The fasting person shouldn’t use the toothbrush and toothpaste except at night, for some of the toothpaste may reach his stomach without him realizing it.
If blood comes out of his teeth when brushing, then it does not break the fast unless he swallows something of it deliberately.
Swallowing saliva, and it’s like
There is nothing in swallowing normal saliva, but deliberately swallowing phlegm is not permissible. If the fasting person swallows it unintentionally, it does not break his fast, for it is often unavoidable.
Using Gargling Medicine
This medicine during Ramadan does not break fasting if he does not swallow it. However, one must not take it unless it is needed.
The same ruling would be for every medicine for teethes or gums as long as it does not reach the throat or stomach.
Who are allowed not to Fast in Ramadan?
Reasons that permit Muslims not to fast in Ramadan are varied:
Reason one: Pregnancy or breastfeeding:
If a pregnant or breastfeeding woman needs to break her fast, she can break the fast in all or in some days of Ramadan, based on her need.
What should pregnant and breastfeeding woman do if they break their fast?
If a pregnant or breastfeeding woman breaks her fast, they must make up for same number of days that they have not fast.
Reason Two: Illness
The patient has three conditions:
First case: A sick person is harmed by fasting, and there is no hope of recovery. Then they break their fast and feed one poor person each day of Ramadan.
Second case: A sick person is harmed by fasting, and there is no hope of recovery. However he still can fast some days of Ramadan and make up for others. Then he should fast what he can of Ramadan, and breakfast in these days difficult. He should make them up later after Ramadan.
Third case: A sick person is harmed by fasting, but there is hope in recovery. Then he breaks the fast if he cannot fast or fasting would be really difficult for him. Then he should make these days up. He does not have to feed for that.
Reason Three: Inability to fast due to old age
The elderly who cannot fast, or fasting is so difficult he has permission to have breakfast in Ramadan. Then they must feed a poor person for each day of Ramadan.
If the old person reaches dementia, he is no longer sane. The religious duty is removed from him, he does not have to fast or feed the poor.
Reason Four: Traveling
It is permissible for a traveler for a lawful purpose to break the fast according to the consensus of the scholars. Unless he intends to circumvent the fast, then it is not permissible for him to break the fast
Virtues of the Month of Ramadan
Fasting and observing Qiyam in Ramadan forgive the previous sins.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “He who observes fasting during the month of Ramadan with Faith while seeking its reward from Allah, will have his past sins forgiven.” (Agreed upon).
Observing Qiyam at Lailat-ul-Qadr forgives the previous sins
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Whosoever performs Qiyam during Lailat-ul-Qadr (Night of Decree), with Faith and being hopeful of Allah’s reward, will have his former sins forgiven.“
Umrah in Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj with the Prophet – Pbuh –
Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Umrah during Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj.”
The gates of Paradise are opened, and the gates of Hell are closed
Abu Hurairah reported that The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “When Ramadan begins, the gates of Jannah are opened, the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained.” (Agreed Upon)
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