Learn 10 Important Quran Short Surah
Learn benefits and good meaning for the 10 shortest surahs of the Quran
Surat al-Fatiha
(1)Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem(2)Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil ‘aalameen(3)Ar-Rahmaanir-Raheem(4)Maaliki Yawmid-Deen(5)Iyyaaka na’budu wa lyyaaka nasta’een(6)Ihdinas-Siraatal-Mustaqeem(7)Siraatal-lazeena an’amta ‘alaihim ghayril-maghdoobi ‘alaihim wa lad-daaalleen
Storm Your Brain, Why this Surah was chosen to be recited in every unit in the Salah, and even the Salah is invalid without it.
- In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
- In the name of Allah shall start any movement, in the name of Allah shall begin any beginning, He is the only creator of all creatures, and by His power, all creatures get their chance to do.
- Ar-Raḥmān and ar-Raḥeem are two names of Allah derived from the word “raḥmah” (mercy). In Arabic, both are intensive forms of “merciful” (i.e., extremely merciful).
- What is intended by using them together is to give the meaning of the comprehensive Mercy.
- All praise is for Allah, Lord of all worlds
The Arabic term “Rabb” (translated as “Lord”) includes all of the following meanings and more: “Creator, Caretaker, Guardian, Provider, Sustainer, Owner, Master, Ruler, and Controller.”
Since only Allah has the qualifications to be “Rabb”, so for Him alone shall be the All Praise and He is the right one to be worshiped. He is only one Rabb for all worlds.
The existence of any creature was the first grace of Allah, and then plenty of Allah’s graces and favors are bestowed upon every creature since its first-moment life on. All praise is for Allah.
- The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful
This Attribute of Allah encompasses all meanings of Mercy, and it is repeated here to establish the most important characteristic in the relationship between Allah and his creatures, it is the great and comprehensive Mercy that pushes for continued praising and thanks for Allah.
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- Master of the Day of Judgment
Allah is not only the master for this life, but he is the Master of the Hereafter, so why I as a smart man should work for someone else, why should I trust someone else.
- You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help
This is the normal result for all that is previous since Allah is the only Rabb
Surat al-Ikhlas
(1) Qul huwal laahu ahad (2) Allah hus-samad (3) Lam yalid wa lam yoolad (4) Wa lam yakul-lahoo kufuwan ahad
There is a word in this Surah that covers all the surah’s meaning and works like a brief for it,
You may guess!
- Allah is “Ahad“
- The word “Ahad” is different from the word “Wahid”, it gives the meaning that Allah is unique, has no example, and no one is working with him.
- We can understand from the verse that Allah is the only Actual Power behind anything that happens in life, so one should only seek Allah’s sake by any act he does.
- Allah is “Samad”
- The Word Samad means Self-Sufficient, that everybody and everything is in need for Him and He does not need anybody.
It also means that nothing happens except after His permission.
- Neither begets nor begotten:
- You are like your parents and children, but Allah has no example.
- He has no equivalent
Did you get it:
It is the word “Ahad”
In our real life: Muslims should be active following the rules that Allah put for their life, keeping in his heart that neither his effort nor anything else will benefit them except after Allah’s permission.
Surat al-Falq
(1)Qul a’oozu bi rabbil-falaq(2)Min sharri maa khalaq(3)Wa min sharri ghaasiqin izaa waqab(4)Wa min sharrin-naffaa-saati fil ‘uqad(5)Wa min sharri haasidin izaa hasad
Human beings are weak and in great need of protection and to feel safe
Out of the Mercy of Allah, He gave us this Surah and the one follows for our comfortable and peaceful life
- Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak (other meaning: all what is created)
The Surah begins with that general phrase asking Allah for protection
- From the evil of whatever He has created
It is protection against anything evil or the evil sides of everything
Then the surah begins to mention some kinds of evil specifically
- And from the evil of the night when it grows dark
The night with its darkness is a good chance for anything evil to move and work
- And from the evil of the blowers in knots
And from those who practice magic
Magic can let you see something not true, and based on that, you may take some actions.
- And from the evil of an envier when he envies
Allah orders us to ask him for protection against the evil of those who feel jealous towards some grace or favor that we have.
Those who feel jealous may take some action to harm you and may not, anyway you are saved by asking Allah to protect you.
In our real life, I as a Muslim has a great chance to live with ease and comfort by asking Allah every day and every night to protect us as prophet Mohammed used to do.
Surat Al-Nass
(1)Qul a’oozu birabbin naas(2)Malikin naas(3)Ilaahin naas(4)Min sharril waswaasil khannaas(5)Allazee yuwaswisu fee sudoorin naas(6)Minal jinnati wannaas
O Man, you should be cautious, somebody is hiding for you, attacks and withdraws, ask for the right help, and do not worry!
The surah begins with addressing Allah with His attributes that suit the situation of asking general protection against everything harmful, especially these mentioned in the Surah.
- Say, “I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind
(Rab) is that one who creates, gives provisions, takes care, etc
- the Master of humankind
(Malik) is that one who owns and does what He wants
- The God of mankind
(Iilah) is that one whose orders shall be obeyed
Allah is the Rab, Malik, and Iilah of everything, but He mentioned al-Nass “mankind” in all three verses to let them feel that they are close to Allah, and that is why they may feel safe and comfortable.
- From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws
Allah guide us to ask His protection against what may order us indirectly and with a tricky way to do something wrong
- Who whispers into the hearts of mankind
He is going whispering (evil) into the hearts of mankind
- From among the jinn and mankind
This attack may come from jinn, who is very weak before you in case you remember Allah, but also may come from mankind …. Guess how?
- An evil friend asks you to do something wrong
- Telltale aiming to cut relations
In our real life, one should know that those who are whisper – of Jinn or Mankind – are weak, they always withdraw to hide, but you should know as well that they always waiting for you to be heedless of remembering Allah to attack.
Surat al-Masad
(1)Tabbat yadaa abee Lahabinw-wa tabb(2)Maa aghnaa ‘anhu maaluhoo wa ma kasab(3)Sa-yaslaa naaran zaata lahab(4)Wamra-atuhoo hammaa latal-hatab(5)Fee jeedihaa hablum mim-masad
Do you know someone who prefers to get a piece of gold instead of a gold mine that would never be finished?
Actually, they are many!
- May the hands of Abū Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he
Abu Lahab is the uncle of Prophet Mohammed, but he and his wife rejected Allah’s message from the first day and used to harm Prophet Mohammed.
- Neither his wealth nor (worldly) gains will benefit him
Abu Lahab – like so much of mankind – does that to save some of his gains in this life, so Allah declared that his gains will not benefit him.
- He will burn in a flaming Fire
Rejecting Allah’s message for some worldly gains caused him to lose eternal life.
- And his wife [as well] – the carrier of firewood
The same is for his wife who has not saved any way to harm Prophet Mohammed including carrying thorns to throw in his way.
- Around her neck is a rope of (twisted) fiber
She will be tied in the Hell-Fire
In our real life:
- Muslims should keep in his mind how Prophet Mohammed and his companions struggled to let Allah’s massage reach us, so we should adhere to it, and tell other people about it.
- Do not be silly to lose the eternal happiness of the Hereafter in favor of some worldly gains that soon you will pass away and leave them.
Surat al-Nasr
(1) Iza jaaa’a nasrul-laahi walfath (2) Wa ra-aitan naasa yadkhuloona fee deenil laahi afwajaa (3) Fasabbih bihamdi rabbika wastaghfirh, innahoo kaana tawwaaba
It’s me … Because I did well … That is my smartness
Avoid these fatal statements
- When comes the Help of Allah, and Victory
And when any success of any kind achieved
- And you (O Prophet) see the people embracing Allah’s Way in crowds
At that point when Prophet Mohammed gets victory over enemies, what shall he do?
- Then glorify the praises of your Lord and seek His forgiveness, for certainly, He is ever Accepting of Repentance.
He shall glorify Allah’s name for He is the one who gave that success and victory, we cannot even move without his power, we should always ask Allah’s forgiveness because often we fail to thank His graces, and sometimes we may think that it was our abilities.
In our real-life: whenever you get success of any kind, immediately remember that it is a grace from Allah and you should be grateful, you are not able to do anything without Allah’s power.
Surat al-Kaferoon
(1) Qul yaaa-ayyuhal kaafiroon (2) Laaa a’budu maa t’abudoon (3) Wa laaa antum ‘aabidoona maaa a’bud (4) Wa laaa ana ‘abidum maa ‘abattum (5) Wa laaa antum ‘aabidoona maaa a’bud (6) Lakum deenukum wa liya deen.
Be kind to them, while feeling that you are different, you are following the way of life that Allah has sent down.
- Say, “O disbelievers
Declare it clearly that you are disbelievers
- I do not worship what you worship
I am worshiping Allah and nothing is above His orders
- Nor do you worship what I worship
You have different sources of legislations
- I will never worship what you worship
I will not come near to what your way of life
- Nor will you ever worship what I worship
You will be near to my way of life
- You have your way, and I have my Way
We are different
In our real life:
- Islam ordered us to treat all people kindly and friendly, and Muslims should show Islamic ethics and etiquettes, and call others to Islam by their attitude and behavior first. However, Muslims should know that their way of life has been sent by Allah, and he is different.
- Muslims should not copy the habits and customs of disbelievers blindly.
Surat al-Kawther
(1) Innaaa a’tainaa kal kauthar (2) Fasalli li rabbika wanhar (3) Inna shaani’aka huwal abtar
Special Entertaining to Prophet Mohammed
Disbelievers start to harm Prophet Mohammed that he has no male children, and at that time that was of deep effect, that may Prophet Mohammed actually feel annoyance.
- Indeed, We have granted you (O Prophet) abundant goodness
Allah states that Prophet Mohammed has been given abundant goodness, Allah gave him Prophethood, Quran and exalted his name. Billions of people now love him, follow his way.
- Therefore to your Lord turn in prayer and sacrifice.
So, O Prophet, thank Allah for His graces and do every act for Him alone including sacrificing.
- Indeed, your enemy is the one cut off
Where are now those who used to say that he is cut off?
In our real life:
- Not everything you wish in this life you will get.
- Allah loves Prophet Mohammed and defends him, and so we should do.
- Anything you do shall be for the sake of Allah alone.
Surat al-Ma’oon
(1) Ara ‘aytal lazee yukazzibu biddeen (2) Fazaalikal lazee yadu’ul-yateem (3) Wa la yahuddu ‘alaa ta’aamil miskeen (4) Fa wailul-lil musalleen (5) Allazeena hum ‘an salaatihim saahoon (6) Allazeena hum yuraaa’oon (7) Wa yamna’oonal maa’oon
Believing is not a word to be said by the tongue, but it is a movement in hearts that push to do good righteous deeds.
- Have you seen the one who denies the (final) Judgment
The verse is a question about that one who denies the Day of Judgment.
- That is the one who repulses the orphan
He has no true faith, thus, he has no good or mercy in his heart to be kind to orphans.
- And does not encourage the feeding of the poor
His heart does not constant the light and mercy of faith
- So woe to those who pray
Yes, woe to them because they are showing off and not for the sake of Allah
- Who are heedless of their prayer
The hypocrites are unconcerned if they miss prayers when no one sees them.
- Those who (only) show off
- and refuse to give (even the simplest) aid
They refuse to help others with small things like salt or water.
In our real life:
- Muslims should Know that faith should be translated to good deeds, otherwise, it is false to claim.
- Islam is not a religion of mosque, but it covers all aspects of life.
Surat Quraysh
(1) Li-eelaafi quraish (2) Eelaafihim rihlatash shitaaa’i wassaif (3) Faly’abudoo rabba haazal-bait (4) Allazeee at’amahum min joo’inw-wa-aamanahum min khawf
Graces of Allah should not change to something usual, but we should always remember that Allah is that one who gave us that so that we should be grateful
- For the accustomed security of the Quraysh
The honor and reputation Allah had given them as guardians of the Holy Kaʿbah, which allowed them to travel without fear of being harmed
- Their accustomed security [in] the caravan of winter and summer
The trading caravans that traveled south in winter and north in summer
Allah reminds Quraysh of His graces that the normal case of their desert is to feel hunger and fear, but Allah bestowed upon them graces.
- Let them worship the Lord of this House
Let them Worship Allah the Lord of Ka’ba
- Who has fed them against hunger and made them secure against fear
Blessing the people of Quraysh with provision and security is probably the answer to Abraham’s prayer in 14:35-37
In our real life: Muslims should never be familiar with Allah’s graces that he forgets to thank Him or even to forget that Allah may withdraw them.
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