Memorize Quran Online with Tipyaan Hifz Quran Classes
Discover the techniques of the Best Hifz Quran classes
Based upon the student level:
These online Hifz Quran classes aim to:
Tipyaan Academy
Why do you have to Memorize Quran?
Hifz Quran classes for adults, ladies, and kidsHifz al-Quran has a great virtue of Islam. Prophet Mohammed memorized Quran and review it with the angel Gabriel. Memorizing Quran raises Muslims in this life as well as the Hereafter, for people of the Quran are the people of Allah. In this online Hifz Quran classes, we aim to help you and your kids to Memorize Quran at home. Through these Quran memorization classes delivered by qualified Quran teachers, you will be on the right way to have the virtue of Memorizing Quran This online Quran Hifz classes taken help to overcome the obstacles in the way Hifz al-Quran, Such as lack of time. Moreover, Tipyaan helps to come across other kinds of difficulties by providing you the native-Arabic Quran tutors who are certified and versed with affordable fees.
Let your kids enjoy Quran memorization online classes. The methodology of memorizing Quran at this online Hifz course differs according to the age, aptitude, and determination of students. These online Quran memorization classes have special plans for kids and beginners who cannot even read Arabic. Our Quran teachers delivering this Quran Hifz course are skilled in teaching kids as well as adults and changing the classes of Quran Hifz into a joyful and amazing time. We have female Quran teachers for Quran hifz classes for ladies and sisters. |
Our Hifz Quran tutors are the best
Our Quran teachers who are delivering this online Quran memorization course are very talented to help you and your kids memorize Quran. Based on every individual student, develop a Quran memorization program to help you memorize Quran online. The way of teaching and Quran Memorization techniques as well differ according to the student’s age, previous experience, and aptitude.
At Quran Memorization Classes, you'll learn:
Who this Hifz Quran program is for:
Online Quran Hifz features
Quran Hifz Course strategy
Course Curriculum
Course Strategy
This course is for you if you want to take your first step towards Quran memorization.
With this Quran Hifz programs, nothing will be between you and entire memorizing the holy Quran except to join us!
Enroll Now
This Quran Memorization program is designed for everyone. Starting from kids and beginners who cannot read Arabic totally up to those who are perfect in Quran with Tajweed.
Join now and get 2 free trial classes
How can Quran Memorization Online classes benefit you?
Quran Memorization Online classes are a new method of education in which modern communication mechanisms such as computers and the internet are used in Quran memorization online classes in the shortest time and with the least effort.
Quran memorization online classes will help you memorize Quran with proper Tajweed rules through personalized online sessions to memorize the Quran perfectly.
Although you can go to a mosque to memorize the Qur’an, you may feel some obstacles in doing so. First, you won’t find learning easy with so many students. Also, a lack of proper attention from the teacher will make it difficult for you to memorize the Qur’an. That’s why you should start Quran memorization, online classes.
Quran Hifz Online
Quran Hifz online is one of the ways where students can memorize the whole Quran by heart. Your status in this life will be raised.
Quran hifz course aims to help adults and Kids to hifz Quran online while learning the Tajweed Rules, and it is by attending Quran Memorization Online classes.
Which steps should you follow for Quran memorization online?
We should know some techniques before doing Quran memorization online to get perfection in Quran hifz classes.
Quran memorization techniques:
If you want to take advantage of Allah’s blessings, you should be able to receive them and therefore, strive to achieve them and get the maximum benefit. Following are the best and most comprehensive Quran memorization techniques which you can follow to make the journey easier:
Be Sincere:
The most important tip of all Quran memorization techniques is to make a sincere intention to learn the book of Allah SWT. When you intend to learn Quran, you must purify your preferences and objectives from learning.
Recite What You Have Memorized in Prayers:
One of the best Quran memorization techniques ever followed is to recite what you have memorized in your daily prayers. Prayer is a unique worship act that gets us closer to Allah SWT. You can further strengthen what you are learning into memory by reciting the memorized verses in the five daily prayers.
Listen to Quran Recitation:
Listening to the different Quran recitations is a technique that helps memorize the verses. Listening to the same verses often will engrave them in your mind, and you will remember them easily.
Recite out loud and rehearse:
A recent study from the University of Waterloo found that speaking texts aloud helps to get words into long-term memory.
How long time do I need to memorize Quran?
Memorizing the Quran is an excellent achievement for any Muslim as long as his intention is pure for the sake of Allah and not to please other people or to show off.
Average time to memorize Quran:
Allah says in his book:
“And indeed, we have made the Qur´an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?” (Al-Qamar, 17)
Among the Holy Quran’s essential characteristics is its fluidity of style and ease of memorizing its words. The average time to memorize Quran depends on the person’s ability and intention.
Studies show that the average time to memorize the Quran is 1-5 years. The entire Quran’s memorization duration depends on several factors, such as techniques and methods used and the person’s age.
How fast can you memorize Quran?
The best possible short answer is that the Qur’an consists of 30 Juz, and each Juz has approximately 20 pages. For average students, it takes 1 hour to memorize one page.
So there are 20 * 30 = 600 pages total. Therefore, it is roughly estimated that an average student would need 600 hours to memorize.
Memorize Quran in 6 months:
Memorizing the Quran in 6 months is indeed a difficult task. However, it is not impossible. With the right strategy, you can memorize it in 6 months.
Here is a way to memorize Quran in 6 months:
The number of pages of the Quran is 604; Which means that if we want to memorize Quran in 6 months, we must memorize about three and a half pages every day; Let’s finish memorizing it in 180 days, taking into account the combination of memorization and revision to take root in memory.
Is forgetting Quran after memorizing it included a sin?
Undoubtedly, forgetfulness is natural in man, and man is only called Insaan because of his forgetfulness (Nasiy).
He forgot the Quran after memorizing ing because the Quran “escapes” from the heart if the Muslim does not constantly and regularly review what he has memorized.
The reason for forgetting Quran after memorizing it may be that it is a test of people’s hearts, to show the difference between the one whose heart is attached to the Quran and regularly recites it and the one whose heart is attached to it only while memorizing it, then he loses interest and forgets it.
The hadeeth narrated by al-Bukhaari from Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“The likeness of the one who memorizes the Quran is that of the owner of a hobbled camel. If he tends to it regularly, he will keep it, but if he lets it go, he will lose it.” (Al-Bukhaari, 5031).
Are there any benefits of memorizing the Quran?
There is no doubt that there are many benefits of memorizing the Quran, Allah rewards if a Muslim learns the Quran and acts his life according to the teaching of the Quran. The Prophet Muhammad said:
“One who was devoted to the Qur’an will be told to recite, ascend and recite carefully as he recited carefully when he was in the world, for he will reach his abode when he comes to the last verse he recites.” [Al-Albani]
The best deed ever that a person can do is to memorize the Quran, work with what it contains, implement what Allah has commanded, and stay away from what Allah has forbidden. There are many benefits of memorizing the Quran as:
- Since the Quran is the word of Allah Almighty, when you memorize it, this will be the best you have ever done! The benefit of memorizing the Quran will open all the doors of good for you.
- Benefit of memorizing Quran daily will be your companion at the dying moment!! It will be your defender and intercessor when the nearest people abandon you.
- The benefit of memorizing the Quran is healing for physical and psychological diseases if reading Al-Fatiha (The Opening) cures a patient if Allah permits.
What is the best Dua for memorizing Quran?
Here we mention dua for memorizing Quran:
“O Allah, O Rahman, by Your glory and the light of Your Countenance, to make my heart constant in remembering Your Book as You taught me and grant me that I recite it in the manner that will make You pleased with me. O Allah, O Rahman, by Your glory and the light of Your Countenance, to enlighten my sight with Your Book, make my tongue free with it, and relieve with it my heart from all problems, and expand my chest with it.
“O Allaah, make the Qur’an the life of my heart, the light of my breast, a departure for my sorrow and a release for my anxiety. O Allaah, teach us from it what we do not know and remind us of what we have forgotten, for you are the All-Hearing, All-Knowing.”
The programs for Quran Memorization Online classes:
Online Quran hifz program:
It’s time to take a look at the course contents to know what you will learn and memorize in the online Quran hifz program:
-You will start memorizing the Quran online as soon as you can read the Quran correctly.
-You will learn new verses.
-You can memorize all or part of the Quran.
-You will memorize the Holy Quran with Tajweed.
Online memorization program:
Online Quran memorization programs are divided into:
Lesson: This part consists of a few new verses/verses you are supposed to memorize daily; it depends on your schedule and memory.
Review: This is the part you memorized from the Qur’an so far, and you need to review it at the right time.
Hifz program for adults
Our hifz program for adults is designed to help you:
-If you are new in the field of Quran memorization and have no idea how to do it, you are looking for a specialized Quran teacher who can help you memorize Quran online and make your Tajweed perfect.
-If you memorized it but forgot.
-If you cannot remember the Quran in the long term.
Hifz program for kids
The main objective of the hifz program for kids is to develop a love and respect for the Quran to the extent that the student loves memorizing, reciting, understanding, meditating, implementing, and spreading the message, or, in other words, making it a guidebook. He should treat it as a book closely related to his daily life and a book of success in this world and the hereafter.
Hifz program for kids will help your child to memorize Quran at an early age in an easy way.
Quran memorization course for kids aims to teach your child how to recite Quran correctly.
Memorize Quran classes for kids are designed to teach your child the correct Quran Tajweed.
Quran Hifz course for adults
The hifz course for adults aims to help you memorize the Quran step-by-step. With our online learning programs, you will review and hifz each lesson using your teacher’s guide.
Quran hifz classes for ladies
This Quran hifz classes for ladies take you from which level you are and are supposed to build and improve what you know.
Quran hifz classes for ladies will be guided by female teachers.
Quran Hifz classes for ladies are divided into:
–Beginner: will start with the basic Arabic letters, vowels, learning to read & join words, and some basic Tajwid rules.
-Intermediate: students will build upon the basic reading rules, work on improving fluency, and continue learning the rules of tajweed at a higher level.
-Advanced: students will learn more advanced rules of Tajwid while also applying them in Hifz (memorization of the Quran).
Intensive Hifz course
In our Intensive hifz Quran course, when we memorize the Holy Quran, Allah opens our hearts for Quran memorization; he will remain in many blessings from Allah Almighty and will not face any difficulties in his life for Quran memorization online if we memorize it. From here comes the step of learning the Qur’an on the Internet quickly.
An intensive Hifz Quran course depends on some steps:
- Hire the best Quran teacher For Quran Memorization.
- Register yourself in Qirat Ul Quran for Qualified Teachers & Qaris.
- Memorize every single page daily (16 Lines Quran).
- Revise your previous memorization daily.
- Increase your new memorizing pages daily according to your IQ level.
Contents of online Quran memorization course
It is not difficult at all to attend the online Quran memorization course, as the teachers are specialized in this matter and make an excellent study schedule for memorizing the Qur’an online in record time and including:
- Take a certain amount of the Qur’an each day.
- Review what was memorized in previous lessons and new memory.
- Repeat all of the above so that the student can excellently memorize the Qur’an.
Quran memorization chart:
Quran memorization chart is indeed a challenging task and needs well-structured planning.
There is no hard and fast rule to remember while preparing the Quran memorization chart. One can easily make his Quran memorization chart according to his capability.
Learning Quran with Tajweed Online would help you in this regard.
To make your Quran memorization chart, you should:
-Choose a suitable time to learn Quran with Tajweed.
-Every day read the new page; you should also read your old pages.
-Try to learn Arabic.
-Start from the end of the Qur’an: The ending of the Qur’an, also known as Juza Amma, is the easiest part, as most of the surahs are short.
-Find learning techniques: For example, repeat the verse by looking at the Qur’an until you know it, then repeat it without looking a couple of times.
-Stay in a quiet room.
-Read your pages to someone.
Remember that memorizing the Quran with Tajweed is an act of worship that should be done with utmost care. We shouldn’t be in a hurry to memorize the whole Quran.
Holy Quran for children’s learning and memorizing
Holy Quran for children’s learning and memorizing one of the best works that a person can do to be close to Allah is to memorize and study the Holy Quran, as the Prophet Muhammad said:
“The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Quran and teach it” (Al-Bukhari).
Muslims should know that the holy Quran is for children’s learning, and memorizing helps to brighten the child’s mind and guide him correctly through his knowledge of the meanings of the Holy Quran and its interpretation.
At Tipyaan, we provide our best comprehensive service to help your children learn and memorize the holy Quran. In addition to basic Islamic lessons will be teaching online at the Quran learning programs for kids.
Memorize Quran online
It is not difficult to memorize Quran online, as the teachers are specialized in this matter and set an excellent study schedule for memorizing Quran online in a record time.
Memorize Quran online Goals.
Our main goals from this online course are to let you:
-Memorize Quran online correctly with the application of the Tajweed Rules.
-Learn the interpretation (Quran Tafseer) and meanings of the verses of the Quran.
-Learn the hadiths of the Prophet and the reasons for the revelation.
-Learn the benefits and virtues of memorizing the Quran online.
Hifz classes for adults
This Hifz class for adults is for those who struggle to correctly read and comprehend the holy Quran Tajweed or those who are reading the Quran for the first time.
Hifz classes for adults who are taking their first steps towards gaining more skills in reading, reciting, and comprehending Quran.
At Hifz Quran classes for adults, you will learn the following:
-Learn Tajweed Rules.
-Quran Pronunciation in a perfect way.
-Learn Intonation (learn when to rise and fall of reading and how to pronounce or say the sound. Also, learn when to slow down and when to silence).
-Reciting the Quran correctly with Tajweed.
-Memorize the whole Quran.
-Interpretation of each surah and Ayat.
The programs for Hifz Quran classes
Online Quran Hifz program:
It’s time to take a look at the course contents to know what you will learn and memorize in the online Quran Hifz program:
- You will start memorizing the Quran online as soon as you can read the Quran properly.
- You will learn new verses.
- You can memorize all or part of the Quran.
- You will memorize the Holy Quran with Tajweed.
Online memorization program:
Online Quran memorization programs are divided into:
Lesson: This part consists of a few new verses/verses that you are supposed to memorize each day, it depends on your schedule and memory.
Review: This is the part that you memorized from the Qur’an so far, and you need to review it at the right time.
Hifz Quran program for adults:
Our hifz program for adults is designed to help you:
- If you are new in the field of Quran memorization and you have no idea how to do it and you are looking for a specialized Quran teacher who can help you memorize Quran online and make your Tajweed perfect as well.
- If you memorized it but forgot.
- If you cannot remember the Quran in the long term.
Hifz Quran program for kids:
The main objective of the hifz Quran classes for kids is to develop a love and respect for the Quran to the extent that the student loves memorizing, reciting, understanding, meditating, implementing, and spreading the message; or, in other words, making it a guidebook. He should treat it as a book closely related to his daily life and a book of success in this world and the hereafter.
Hifz program for kids will help your child to memorize Quran at an early age in an easy way.
Quran memorization course for kids aims to teach your child how to recite Quran in the right way.
Memorize Quran classes for kids is designed to teach your child the correct Quran Tajweed.
Hifz course for adults:
The hifz Quran course for adults aims to help you memorize the entire Quran in a step-by-step approach. With our online learning programs, you will review and hifz each lesson using your teacher’s guide.
Quran hifz classes for ladies:
This Quran hifz classes for ladies take you from which level you are and is supposed to build and improve what you know.
Quran hifz classes for ladies will be guided by female teachers.
Quran hifz classes for ladies are divided into:
- Beginner: will start with the basic Arabic letters, vowels, learning to read & join words, and some basic Tajwid rules.
- Intermediate: students will build upon the basic reading rules, and work on improving fluency, as well as continue learning the rules of tajweed at a higher level.
- Advanced: students will learn more advanced rules of Tajwid, while also applying them in Hifz Quran classes (memorization of the Quran).
Intensive Hifz course:
In our Intensive hifz Quran course, when we memorize the Holy Quran, Allah opens our hearts for Quran memorization, he will remain in many blessings from Allah Almighty and he will not face any difficulties in his life for Quran memorization online if we memorize it. From here comes the step of memorizing the Qur’an on the Internet with ease.
An intensive Hifz Quran course depends on some steps:
- Hire the best Quran teacher For Quran Memorization.
- Register yourself in Qirat Ul Quran for Qualified Teachers & Qaris.
- Memorize every single page daily (16 Lines Quran).
- Revise your previous memorization on a daily basis.
- Increase your new memorizing pages day by day according to your IQ level.
Contents of online Quran memorization course:
It is not difficult at all to attend the online Hifz Quran classes, as the teachers are specialized in this matter and make an excellent study schedule for memorizing the Qur’an online in record time and including:
- Take a certain amount of the Qur’an each day.
- Review what was memorized in previous lessons and new memory.
- Repeat all of the above so that the student can memorize the Qur’an in an excellent manner.
Quran memorization chart:
Quran memorization chart is indeed a tough task and needs well-structured planning.
There is no hard and fast rule to be kept in mind while preparing the Quran memorization chart. One can easily make his Quran memorization chart according to his capability.
Learning Quran with Tajweed Online would help you in this regard.
To make your Quran memorization chart you should:
- Choose a suitable time to learn Quran with Tajweed.
- Every day read the new page, you should also read your old pages.
- Try to learn Arabic.
- Start from the end of the Qur’an: The ending of the Qur’an, also known as Juz Amma, is the easiest part, as most of the surahs are short.
- Find learning techniques: For example, repeat the verse by looking at the Qur’an until you know it, then repeat it without looking a couple of times.
- Stay in a quiet room.
- Read your pages to someone.
Keep in mind that memorizing the Quran with Tajweed is an act of worship that should be done with utmost care. We shouldn’t be in a hurry to memorize the whole Quran.
Holy Quran for children’s learning and memorizing:
Holy Quran for children’s learning and memorizing one of the best works that a person can do in order to be close to Allah is to memorize and study the Holy Quran, as the Prophet Muhammad said:
“The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Quran and teach it” (Al-Bukhari).
Muslims should know that the holy Quran for children’s learning and memorizing helps to brighten the child’s mind and guide him properly through his knowledge of the meanings of the Holy Quran and its interpretation.
At Tipyaan we provide our best comprehensive service to help your children learning and memorizing the holy Quran in addition to basic Islamic lessons will be teaching online at the Quran learning programs for kids.
Memorize Quran online:
It is not difficult at all to memorize Quran online, as the teachers are specialized in this matter and set an excellent study schedule for memorize Quran online in a record time.
Memorize Quran online Goals:
Our main goals from this online course are to let you to:
- Memorize Quran online in the correct way with the application of the Tajweed Rules.
- Learn the interpretation (Quran Tafseer) and meanings of the verses of the Quran.
- Learn the hadiths of the Prophet and the reasons for the revelation.
- Learn the benefits and virtues of memorize Quran online.
Hifz Quran classes for adults:
This Hifz Quran classes for adults is for those who struggle to correctly read and comprehend the holy Quran Tajweed or for People that are reading the Quran for the first time.
Hifz classes for adults who are taking their first steps towards gaining more skills in reading, reciting, and comprehending Quran.
At Hifz Quran classes for adults you will learn the following:
- Learn Tajweed Rules.
- Quran Pronunciation in perfect way.
- Learn Intonation (learn when to rise and fall of reading and how to pronounce or say the sound. Also learn when to slow down, and when to silence).
- Reciting the Quran correctly with Tajweed.
- Memorize the whole Quran.
- Interpretation of each surah and Ayat.