Hijrah (Prophet Mohamed Migration)
The Hijrah of First Muslim Family
Upon the systematic and severe persecution that Muslims faced in Mecca, and with the permission of the Prophet to make Hijrah, Muslim start to make Hijrah from Macca to Yathrib (the old name of Madinah).
Hijrah means to leave some place to another, which may be translated in English into “migrate”.
As an Islamic term, we mean by the word “Hijrah” migration form Mecca to Madinah.
Hijrah in Islam was not a kind of travelling or entertainment. Hijrah from Mecca to Madinah was that suffer to leave your city, your people, your means for provision etc. It was to move to another strange land.
Who was first to make Hijrah?
The first to make Hijrah was a Muslim small family of a Man, and his wife and his son.
Abu Salamah was the first man to make Hijrah a long with his wife, Um Salamah and their son, Salamah.
Abu Salamah decided to Make Hijrah after the severe persecution that People of Mecca practiced upon his family, especially that he had made Hijrah to Ethiopia and turned back.
The breaking up of the small family
Abu Salamah prepared his camel and let his wife and son to get on it.
Upon starting moving, People of Um Salamah, his wife, gathered to try to prevent him from Hijrah.
They claimed that they has the right to take Um Salamah because she was their relative.
At this point, People of Abu Salamah appeared to claim that the son cannot go with his mother.
They claimed that they have the first right to take him.
The son has his arm dislocated
The two group started to pull the boy cruelly until one of his arms has been dislocated.
Abu Salamah continued his Hijrah alone
All that persecution was a try from the People of Mecca to force Abu Salamah to cancel his Hijrah.
However, Abu Salamah continued in his road to be the first man of Muslims to make Hijrah.
One Year of waiting
The relatives of Um Salamah prevented her from making Hijrah for about one year. She spent a one-year of crying.
Um Salamah said “For about one year, I used to go every morning to sit outside in the desert, and spend the day until the evening crying”.
Um Salamah stilled in that case until one of her relative felt mercy for her. He went to his people interceding with them to let her make Hijrah.
People of Um Salamah permitted her to make Hijrah and join her husband. Moreover, people of Abu Salamah gave her son back to her.
Hijrah with 450 KM, form Mecca to Madinah, alone by herself.
Um Salamah prepared herself and her son to start Hijrah with 450 KM, form Mecca to Madinah alone.
Um Salamah said “I get on my camel, and put my son in front of me, then I started to move for my husband in Madinah. Alone, by myself”.
Starting Hijrah, and meeting one of Mecca People.
When Um Salamah started her Hijrah, and at a near place form Mecca, Um Salamah met one of the people of Mecca.
He was generous man enough to refuse to let her make that journey, the Hijrah form Mecca to Madinah alone.
Othman bin Talha protected Um Salamah during her Hijrah until she reached the city where her husband existed.
After her Hijrah, Um Salamah used to express how the event of Hijrah was so difficult for her family. Moreover, she used to praised that act of Othman bin Talha (May Allah be please with him).
Um Salamah said “By Allah, I have never seen a family, whose Hijrah was more difficult than the family of Abu Salamah. And I have never seen a generous protector during travelling than Othman bin Talha”.
Learned Lessons of the Hijrah of the First Family:
- People of Mecca followed various approaches to prevent Muslims to make Hijrah
- Hijrah event proves how Muslims sacrificed everything for that guidance that Allah has sent.
- Hijrah event proves that true faith in Allah has great power when it is established firm in hearts.
- It is our duty to let Islam spread, to learn Islam, adhere to it, convey it to people.
- Hijrah shows how Allah supports Muslims when they chose His side.
- The reaction of Othman bin Talha during the Hijrah of Um Salamah shows how Arabs had lofty manners and merits. These lofty manners and merits qualified them to bear the difficulties of the message of Islam.
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Hijrah was a great event in which Muslims proves how faith in Allah is more important than anything else. They sacrifice wealth, families, and souls for the sake of the guidance of Allah. It is our duty to adhere to Islam and convey a proper idea about it either by actions or words.
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